Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them, that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. {Lao Tzu}
This year is full of changes. District, school, and classroom changes. After five weeks, I did what I like the most...thematic, cross curricular, core lessons! This just so happens to be stamped with approval by the administration. That was a breath of fresh air. This year has been so focused on curriculum guides and gradual release that I amongst many individuals were trying to understand the expectations. Then I woke up one day and decided I had to just do me! This past two weeks have been filled with learning about apples and Johnny Appleseed thanks to five fabulous ladies!
1. Alisha from The Bubbly Blonde has ALL the background support with A Little Unit on Johnny Appleseed and Apples. This files is packed full of cross curricular activities! Below are a few pictures and artifacts from my lessons in which were guided by Alisha's packet!
2. What the Teacher Wants has a fantastic activities for apples with their Your Apple of My Eye post! I downloaded their free labels, the kids tore construction paper to create their diagrams, and glued on the labels. Prior to their independent activity, we created a chart using Alisha's vocabulary for my labels.
3. Cara from The First Grade Parade created a fantastic pumpkin investigation journal last year. You should have seen the kids when they saw that Mrs. Carroll created a similar apple investigation journal. I made each investigation a center at one of my teams. The kids rotated with their pencil box and investigation journal. While exploring centers, I overheard a group making connections to the sink and float center with the pumpkins last year! This is the beauty of looping with your students.
4. I could kick myself for not taking pictures of all my journals. We have a ton of work from Clever Classroom's Johnny Appleseed Opinion Writing Unit. You MUST link to read her post and see all the amazing components of this unit!
5. Sara from First Grader At Last has a file that capped off our two week learning of Johnny Appleseed and Apples with her Apple Tasting Party. The loot that came through my door made my eyes pop out! I'm thrilled my kiddos were so excited!
If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you've seen some additional pictures!
There are so many apple activities available on the web. If you have an apple product {paid or free}, please feel free to link your store or blog in the comments!
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